GR15 grants curated by ENS community members

→ Create your own collection here.

→ Submit your collection to be included in this list by completing an airtable form here.

validator.eth | TNL Support Lead

ENS related

alisha.eth | TNL Governance Lead

alisha.eth <3 GR15 ENS-related grants

slobo.eth | ENS Ecosystem lead steward

slobo.eth favorite GR15 projects

GaryPalmerJr.eth | Founder of

ENS Specific "GR15 Grants" via GaryPalmerJr.eth

coltron.eth | MetaGov lead steward

ENS Ecosystem Grants

theanothonyware.eth | Public Goods lead steward

ENS-related & more for the public good :)

ricmoo.eth | Founder of ethers.js

RicMoo Short List GR15